Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Plague is here!

Maddie at I-Hop

So I knew it would happen...Maddie is obsessed with licking every floor or wall that she sees so I knew she would be getting sick again soon. We were a whopping 6 days of cold free. It started yesterday with that same whoop like cough she had before. No fever just a nasty cough that is only bad at night and naps. She just got over something very similar, and that took 3 weeks to get over! Worst part is she is bringing it back to Paige...Stop licking Maddie!!! I don't know how long this phase lasts but I hate it!
On a positive note, Maddie is really doing a super job with sign language. This child used to scream at the top of her lungs if you even tried to use sign language with her and now she is doing it so much! She can do signs for please, thank-you, more, milk, byebye, eat, yes and no. The yes is new and looks so cute! She is not quite initiating it or doing it until after she hears the word but she is getting there. She really is talking a her own language :) She acts as though she is reading a book and jibber jabbers away pointing at pictures.

I had Paige out with me the other day and she told this lady that she had a sister...The lady asked if she liked her sister and Paige said, " ya...but she is a stinker." It was really cute. Paige isn't kidding though...Maddie seems to love pushing buttons and trying to get into trouble. She is constantly hitting the dog or throwing things down the stairs, or playing in the dog water...anything to get in trouble. She is a STINKER!!!

I have met a few people on line who's children have this Episodic Ataxia 2. They watched Maddie's videos and said their kids looked similar in their episodes. Oddly enough one of the ladies that I have connected with from England has a daughter who had the same eye problems and muscle spasms Maddie had/has...and to make it even MORE ironic, her name is Sarah Jane also...just spelled differently.

I can not wait until we get an answer on the TSC 1 thing so we can either move on or have a focus. It drives me nuts to not have an actual name for her weirdness. My Mom calls them Maddieisms...She has always called her weird stuff that.

Maddie's eyes are good right now and I am hoping to get some good pics before they go bad again. If I get some I will post a few.

Thanks again for all the support!

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